We went to Doylestown for the weekend. Noah and Abbey had a great time getting to stay with Papa and Grandma Thursday night and we headed to Doylestown on Friday. Hannah is getting used to being in her carseat for the trips, which is good because we have an even bigger trip coming up. On Saturday night we went to a wedding reception and we all had a great time. Noah, especially was loving the dance floor. He is a dancing machine! Noah and Abbey had fun seeing some cousins they don't get to see often and Hannah got to meet some Aunts and Uncles for the first time. She loves giving out the kisses to people. Ava and Hannah were having fun playing with the microphones in Dad and Mom's basement. I don't know... Do you think American Idol is in the future???? Hannah is now walking very good. She seems to be enjoying the thought that she can move around like us now! In other Pierce news, we started homeschool this week. The kids are doing great, I'm just realizing that it is a challenge homeschooling 2 kids with a very active 1 year old!