I wanted to thank everyone for the prayers and support. It was such a blessing to have our parents out helping and for all of you who brought meals and checked in on us....thank you....thank you.....thank you!!!!
Not all of the time was Moses smiling during the time with his cast on, but we are continually amazed at how he can see the joy in things. He loves people and his smile is contagious!
This is the day the cast came off. We tried to bribe him with new Wiggles dolls while they were taking off the cast. It didn't work! His orthopedic doctor even tried singing a Wiggles song. He was much happier when we got home!
A happy boy who can move now!
Hannah is enjoying the dessert from a meal brought over.(Thanks Mesa!)
With all the craziness of the last several weeks, we found some time to take the other kiddos out to the movies. Hannah and I enjoyed seeing Frozen for the second time. It was much needed time out for all of us!