It is hard to believe but it is Tuesday and this is going to be our last post as we will be leaving for home tomorrow. As many of you know this has been an incredible journey over the past 2 years and the Lord has been so faithful throughout. Now we get to come home and start all over learning to be parents of a 1 year old as well as getting back into the joy of parenting Noah and Abbey. Last night we went on a riverboat cruise for 2 hours. We were stuck in traffic and we almost missed our boat, but our guide suggested that we walk the rest of the way which we did and we just made it in time. On the way there as we were sitting in traffic, Hannah was getting really fussy and I was thinking that we had made a mistake by going, but boy was I wrong. It turned out to be a beautiful night and we had a wonderful time visiting with each other as well as the others on the trip. We also had the opportunity to see the Beauty of Guangzhou at night time. One other benefit was that we felt a nice breeze which is not a real frequent occurrence here.
Hannah is doing much better at sitting in her high chair at breakfast and even is enjoying picking her food up by herself and making a mess of herself. Her breakfast of choice has been Fiber cereal and prunes that Mommy and Daddy cut up for her. She eats the prunes and the fiber cereal much better than Mommy or Daddy would. Praise the Lord her stomach seems to be doing much better. After breakfast we went out for some last minute shopping for some keep sakes and had a real nice time with our friends Doug and Terri and their daughter Brianna who is in one of the pictures that we posted with Hannah.
The one picture that we sent is of all the girls that were adopted on this trip and the other one is of all the families and there children that are on the trip with us as a part of A Helping Hand Adoption Agency.
This afternoon we are going to the US consolate office for Hannah to take her oath and become a United States Citizen. Tommorrow morning we will fly to Hong Kong and from there to Chicago and onto Columbus. We are scheduled to arrive home to Columbus just before Midnight on Wednesday night. If you would please be praying for us on the journey we would appreciate it.
It has truly been a priviledge and an honor to share our adoption journey with you all, and we praise the Lord for your prayers and support. This adoption has been a miracle from the beginning and we give God all of the Glory for it. We are now leaning on Him for His Grace to sustain us as we continue to walk this life out. As the Lord lays things on your heart to follow Him Trust in Him and continue to seek His face He is Faithful. .
May God Bless You All,
Jason, Julie, Noah, Abbey and Hannah