From midnight to 3:00am we bonded with Hannah as we paced back and forth this very small hotel room. And, although it sounds like a rough night, we think we saw some great signs of Hannah bonding to us. At one point when we laid her down in her crib, she sat straight up without crying and would look to make sure we were in the bed next to her. She would open her eyes and then start falling asleep. She kept repeating this and we were worried she was going to fall backwards and hit her head. This morning we had a doctor from the hotel look at Hannah and try to give us ideas to help her have a bowel movement. This is common with the changes to all the babies. She told us Hannah looked very healthy and told us to try bannanas and pears to help her. Today we went to Green Hills Park. It was very beautiful, and VERY hot and humid outside. There was a nine story tower that Jason and Hannah climbed. They made it to the very top! It showed an incredible view of the city. There were tons of fish in the water wanting to be fed. We gave Hannah some fish food to throw and she wanted to eat it. We bribed her with some bannana puffs and she gave up the fish food. Next we went to a minority restaurant where the food was great! We saw a show there performed by the Maio(Sorry if we misspelled that Jody)people. It was really neat! We also bought a love ball which is a special tradition here in this province. They sing back and forth to each other to find their true love.They throw the love ball to the one who answers and who they think will be their special one. We went swimming today, too. Hannah cried alittle and splashed alittle. We are seeing her little personality coming out. She throws things when she is mad. She tossed her bottle across the bed 3 times last night. She is so sweet and we can't stop kissing her little cheeks. Noah and Abbey, Hannah can't wait to meet you. She loves watching the children we've come in contact with. I'll end this on a personal note, Hannah's bowel problems are being solved as I write this. Thank God for that!
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