We arrived in Guangzhou last night at around 8:00PM. Thanks for your prayers - Hannah did very well on the plane ride. There was one point in time though when she was standing on Julie's lap and she pulled the man behind her's newspaper out of his hands. He was gracious with her. We all were pretty worn out when we arrived at the hotel and Hannah had a hard time getting to sleep because she had a nap on the way back from the airport. She thought it was play time at 10:00PM - Mommy and Daddy knowing that we had to get up at 5:30 were not as much into playing as Hannah was.
Thank God she went to sleep at 10:30 and everyone slept well the rest of the night. At 8:00 we were back on the road to get Hannah's Visa picture taken and her medical examination. It was very rainy this morning and the medical exam office was very crowded so we very thankful to have that appointment taken care of. As you saw in the heading, Thank the Lord everything went well with her exam and Hannah weights 21 pounds. She is a great eater. She even tried her first Mcdonald's french fry today with catsup. ( As you can see in one the pictures she enjoyed it)
We turned in all of our important paperwork this afternoon to our Helping Hand Guide Allison who will take the paperwork to the US Consulate office on Monday. Please be praying that everything goes well at that meeting. These are the meetings that finalyze her paperwork and prepare us to fly out on Wednesday. As we mentioned in the last couple of posts Hannah continues to show us more and more daily. She has been much more active at times, she is taking a couple of steps with assistance and is jibbering alot more - She even said Da da a couple of times . She is also clapping her hands and giving us kisses at times (sometimes with a bite with it). Thanks again for all of your prayers and encouragement. It is truly only by God's grace and your support and encouragement that we are here and able to bring Hannah home. May the Lord Bless You!!!!!!!!!!
Love Jason, Julie & Hannah
P.S. Guangzhou must be much more of a tourist town than Nanning, the hotel is very beautiful and we have a Mcdonalds and Starbucks right next door. As we write this post we are enjoying a Carmel Frappacinno. See Ya Soon.
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