Saturday, February 15, 2014

Surgery update and Chinese New Year

Moses is a little trooper. It was a hard day on Monday and Tuesday but thank God, we are doing much better now. The surgery went well and because he pulled off his splint twice Monday night, we were back on Tuesday getting a hip spica cast put on. He'll have his cast on until Thursday and from there will do some follow up visits with the doctors. We hope to be getting a prosthetic fitting by the end of March. We will keep you posted:)

                           Celebrating Chinese New Year 2014(day before surgery)

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Prayers for Surgery, Father Daughter Dance and Birthday Girl

Moses will have surgery on his leg on Monday, February 10th at our Children's hospital.. This surgery will prepare his leg for a prosthetic. We would appreciate your prayers for this!
Jason and Hannah had a great time dancing the night away at the Leap of Faith Father Daughter Dance!

Our sweet Abbey is a teenager! Happy Birthday Abbey!