Well, Thank the Lord, as we are typing this update Hannah is in Julie's arms. This morning we all got together to finish some final paperwork that needed to be done before we could get Hannah. Then at 4:00 we went to the Civil Affairs office and shortly after we arrived the Nannies brought the babies into the room. Julie was able to pick out Hannah when she saw her. Thank you all for praying because Hannah went right to Julie and was very calm during our time at the Civil Affairs office. She played with her toys and ate snacks. The Nannies were all very nice and we were provided some of her formula to get us started. We have had a couple of melt downs since that time, but in General Hannah has done very well today. She has been through alot and you can see her thinking as she is trying to process everything. We have seen one smile !!!!!! There is a learning curve for parents again, as we are trying to remember how to make bottles and figure out what Hannah's schedule is. Please continue to pray for us as we ask God for guidance of how to love Hannah and help her to know that we are going to take care of her. We have attached a couple of pictures to let you see our precious new daughter. Noah and Abbey we have been telling Hannah about you, and showing her pictures of you. We miss you both and Love you. By the way we found out today that the package that we sent to Hannah a month ago did get to her because we received the camera that was in the package from the Nanny. We are anxious to get them processed. We Love you all , May God Bless you.
Jason, Julie & Hannah
She's beautiful!! We can't wait for you guys to bring her home soon!!
We miss you!
Congratulations guys!! God has blessed you with a beautiful new daughter! I can't wait to see Ava and Hannah become fast friends and cousins!
Ally and Michael Palassis
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