Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hangin at the Mall

Today we ventured out to the mall. It's about a twenty minute walk from the hotel and we went there earlier in the week. Hannah made a purchase at the store...some panda pjs. It was a little hard trying to ask the lady for a bigger size, but we connected through some hand motions. It feels like charades sometimes. We ate at KFC for lunch and Moses really loves chicken nuggets and fries.  Hannah played in the play area while Jason and Moses went to the grocery store to get some things for the plane ride tomorrow. We got some m&ms and some new snacks hoping they will help on the 3 hour flight. Tomorrow will be be in Guangzhou and meet up with the rest of the families. It is sad to leave Moses's home province, but  we are looking forward to being with everyone again and seeing their new babies.

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